Welcome to Patern Group

Patern Consultancy and Design W.L.L.
C.R. No.: 159296-01
Address: Office 21, Building 519, Road 1010, Block 410, Sanabis, Kingdom of Bahrain
Established Date: 10 November 2022

Patern Cleaning and Construction Materials W.L.L.
C.R. No.: 163759-01
Address: Office 2028, Building 934, Road 1015, Block 410, Sanabis, Kingdom of Bahrain
Established Date: 11 April 2023 

Mission and Vision




It is our mission to operate our business with care, honesty and integrity. To always exceed our client's expectations. We believe in striving to deliver quality services that fit your needs and drive the results you want and excel.



We aspire to convey the sense of passion we feel about our clients through our work each day. We hope to challenge and inspire generations of clients and create innovative solutions that wows. We plan for our and your future.




Stand up for others. We behave with the highest degree of professionalism, integrity, and courtesy in our actions with each other and our clients. 


Treat everyone with respect 


We share openly with our clients and community. We believe transparency helps us build trust and makes us all stronger. We are stronger when we support each other’s.


We are passionate about every client, no matter their size or industry. We truly believe in partnership with every account.